• Vectorworks Tip 310 – Setting the Maximum/Minimum Values on a Site Model

    The settings for the Maximum and Minimum elevations allow you to choose how much of the site model you see. Think of these settings as a filter, choosing how much of the site model you want to see. For example, you might have a site model that goes from sea…

  • Architect_078 Architect Special Interest Group September 2015 (pm)

    In this session we looked at site modelling again. In particular, we looked at a special case where we wanted to create site modifiers above the site model (it’s actually a construction pad above the level of the site model for drainage). This is probably the first time that we…

  • Vectorworks Tip 306 – Maximum/Minimum Values Dialog

    I had a client ask about this dialog box the other day. They thought that it was a bit confusing and wondered if it would affect the site model. The answer is that it only affects the visual presentation of the site model and does not affect the mathmatics behind…

  • Vectorworks Tip 302 – Pad with Retaining Edge

    Intermediate – Normally, you have to use a grade limits with a site modifier, but not when use a pad with retaining edge. In this image you can see a pad with a vertical retaining each. At the bottom you can see the red outline itches the pad, and at…

  • Vectorworks Tip 295- Creating Massing Models for Adjoining Buildings

    Intermediate – If you can import a PDF, DXF/DWG, Shapefile, or image from Google Earth, you can use that information to create the outlines of adjoining buildings for your projects, then use the right click to quickly make these into Massing Models (if you set the preferences ahead of time).

  • Vectorworks Tip 292 – Create Massing Models Quickly

    Intermediate – A quick way to create a massing model is to use the Create Objects from Shapes… command from the contextual menu. You can find this by right clicking on an object.

  • Vectorworks Tip 284 – Site Modeling – Send to Surface

    Intermediate – When you create some objects, they are not automatically placed at the correct height relative to the site model. This command (Send to Surface) will change the elevation of the objects so that they sit correctly on the site model.

  • SST_1506 – Site Modeling in Vectorworks

    A site model is a way of looking at 3D data (spot levels or contours) in a way that allows you to see complex 3D models and 2D representations. VectorWorks uses the 3D information to create the models based on the data to help you understand the 2D and 3D…

  • cadmovie1506_13 – Site Modeling – Part 13

    Creating A Site Model Snapshot – A site model snapshot is a way of keeping a view of the site model. For example, you might want to see the existing site model and the proposed site mode at the same time, you might want to see smoothed contours and shaded contours…