epodcast151 – Landscape Special Interest Group May 2012
epodcast151 is the movie from the Landscape Special interest groups for May 2012. We covered site modifiers and texture beds, importing a 3D DXF/DWG file to create a Site model.
epodcast151 is the movie from the Landscape Special interest groups for May 2012. We covered site modifiers and texture beds, importing a 3D DXF/DWG file to create a Site model.
Road. The road object has not been given a major overhaul but it easier to use. In the past, when you used the Roadway (NURBS), the view would change from a Top/Plan view to Top. Because of this you would loose all the 2-D information you required to place the road…
Stake Object. When the tools were changed to have more information on the Tool bar, the Stake object became a lot more useful. You can now pre-set the elevation of the stake before you place them.
Site Model Improvements. When you modify your site model, Vectorworks will highlight your site model with a heavy red dashed border to show you the site model needs updating.
I have updated my site modeling manual on the Kindle store for Vectorworks 2012. This manual covers how to create a site model from imported 2-D information, imported 3-D information, and scanned or PDF images. Â This manual is designed to show you the quickest ways to create site models, and…
Site modeling may look complicated, but it can be made easier if you understand what a site model can do, and how it works. that way you won’t expect ti to do things it can not do. You can create a site model using a few different methods and once…
Import a Survey Drawing as 2D Information. Import your sure drawing into a new file. Never import a DXF or DWG file into an existing drawing.
Texture Bed. The texture bed can be used to show areas of the site colored or textured. This could be useful if you want to show areas on the site. An example might be if you wanted to show different stages of the project.
Stepped Wall. This is not a site modifier, it does not affect the site, but it uses the site to create a stepped wall. The command to create a stepped wall is in the Landmark or AEC menu.
3D Polylines. You can use a 3D polyline to create a site modifier, you do not always have to use the standard Vectorworks tools.