• Dealing with Roofs – Part 7

    Inserting a Skylight – Putting in a skylight is similar to putting in a dormer window. To place a skylight you need to create a skylight symbol. Then you will notice that you get selection handles on each roof face and at the bottom centre of each skylight.

  • Dealing with Roofs – Part 6

    Inserting a Dormer Window – To insert a dormer window you need to create the roof first and you need a window or door symbol to insert. You cannot use a plug-in object like a simple window to create a dormer.

  • Dealing with Roofs – Part 5

    Mono Pitch Roof – A mono pitch roof is popular at the moment. Surprisingly, you can keep the roof as a standard VectorWorks roof.

  • Dealing with Roofs – Part 3

    Split Gable – You can create a split gable roof using the standard roof command, and some simple editing.

  • Dealing with Roofs – Part 2

    Gable Roof – Once a roof is created you can edit parameters of the roof, roof plane by roof plane if you want, or the entire roof.

  • Dealing with Roofs – Part 1

    Creating Roofs – You can create a roof from selected walls, or you can draw a polygon for your roof setting out.

  • cadmovie859 – What’s New in Vectorworks 2013 – Part 9

    Inset Dormers and Skylights into Roof Faces – From long time has been recommended that you keep a roof together for as long as possible in case you need to insert skylights or dormer windows.

  • BIM_SIG_007 Special Interest Group August 2012

    This is the movie from the BIM Special Interest Group, August 2012, creating a BIM workflow, part 3, Roofing.