cadmovie504 – Lighting and Rendering Part 2
For Quick 3D views, use the numeric keypad on your keyboard. The numeric keypad is on the right side of your keyboard, if you have a full size keyboard. Use this for quickly typing in numbers.
For Quick 3D views, use the numeric keypad on your keyboard. The numeric keypad is on the right side of your keyboard, if you have a full size keyboard. Use this for quickly typing in numbers.
Vectorworks  has preferences that affect lighting and rendering. The VectorWorks Preferences affect every VectorWorks file.
Area lights can be used to simulate a large area of lighting, like a window. Beware, like line lights the area lights take ages to render. There is no tool to use. You draw a shape you want and use a command to convert the shape to an area light.
Following on form the Solar Study workshop, this podcast shows you how to make a solar study to check your roof eaves or solar shading.
When you are designing a building or landscape feature, you may be concerned about the affect of your structure on the surrounding buildings and landscape.
Creating the first viewport for the solar study.
Create a sun and assign it the correct class.
This topic will teach you how to analyse the visual effects of project on a site. If you are building on a sensitive site you might need to know which parts of the site are visually effected by your project. You might need to prove that your project can’t be…
What I don’t like about the Zone of Visual Influence command is that it’s limited to Landmark and Designer, and that temporary nature of it. How can you make this into a viewport, or export it some way to show other people.
Setting up the Landmark Zone of Visual Influence.