• Vectorworks Tip 292 – Create Massing Models Quickly

    Intermediate – A quick way to create a massing model is to use the Create Objects from Shapes… command from the contextual menu. You can find this by right clicking on an object.

  • Vectorworks Tip 284 – Site Modeling – Send to Surface

    Intermediate – When you create some objects, they are not automatically placed at the correct height relative to the site model. This command (Send to Surface) will change the elevation of the objects so that they sit correctly on the site model.

  • SST_1506 – Site Modeling in Vectorworks

    A site model is a way of looking at 3D data (spot levels or contours) in a way that allows you to see complex 3D models and 2D representations. VectorWorks uses the 3D information to create the models based on the data to help you understand the 2D and 3D…

  • cadmovie1506_13 – Site Modeling – Part 13

    Creating A Site Model Snapshot – A site model snapshot is a way of keeping a view of the site model. For example, you might want to see the existing site model and the proposed site mode at the same time, you might want to see smoothed contours and shaded contours…

  • cadmovie1506_11 – Site Modeling – Part 11

    Editing The Site Model Crop – The site model crop is a polygon that stretches around the information you have supplied to Vectorworks. The site model crop works a lot like the crop in the viewport. The site model crop can also be edited to filter out information that you do…

  • cadmovie1506_10 – Site Modeling – Part 10

    Adding Additional Site Model Data – You might sometimes find that the resulting site model does not have the contours you thought it would have. In this situation, more spot levels along the contours might be useful. When you need to add information to the site model, even after you have made the site…

  • cadmovie1506_09 – Site Modeling – Part 9

    Creating  the Site Model – A site model is created from 3D loci, 3D polygons or stake objects. You can use any of these types and you can use a combination of these.

  • cadmovie1506_08 – Site Modeling – Part 8

    Importing A Survey Drawing With 3D Information – When you import a survey file, you often have the choice whether you want to import the information as 2D or 3D. For very large sites, it is a lot of work to input 3D loci, stake objects, to tracing polygons. If…