• Interactive Workshops February 2018 – Creating Site Models

    A site model is a 2D and 3D representation of a mathematical model that is based on 3D data. In simple terms, a site model is a 3D digital version of your site. You can use it for visualization, solar studies, cut and fill calculations, and much more. These sessions…

  • Interactive Workshops July 2017 – Importing

    Vectorworks has several options for importing objects and files into your Vectorworks projects. These options allow you to import drawings from other computer systems, 3D models, images, PDFs, and other proprietary file types. This means that you can use the Internet to locate useful parts or useful models for your projects…

  • SST_1707 – Importing

    Introduction Vectorworks has several options for importing information. these options allow you to import drawings from other computer systems, 3D models, images, PDFs, and other proprietary file types. This means that you can use the Internet to locate useful parts or useful models for your projects and import them into…

  • Getting Started Special Interest Group December 2016

    In this session we looked at quick and simple ways to create 3D objects, how you can use these to create more complex objects, how to find more complex 3D objects online, how to import them, and how to use the imported models…. I’m sorry, this content is only for…...

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  • cadmovie_1609-02 – Quick Concept – Part 2

    Importing the Site Plan – It is important for you to get a site plan. You can get a site plan from a consultant if they are working on the project, or a survey, if you have one employed. If this is a quick concept project, you may not have access…

  • Vectorworks Tip 404 – DXF/DWG – Drag And Drop Importing.

    If you can locate your imported DXF/DWG file in a Finder window (file explorer) and you can see your Vectorworks drawing window, then you can drag your DXF/DWG file from your finder window onto your Vectorworks drawing window, and Vectorworks will then import that DXF file. This is known as…

  • Vectorworks Tip 400 – DXF/DWG – What Is It?

    When you’re dealing with Vectorworks there really is very little difference between DXF and DWG, so I will treat these as the same type of file. DXF stands for Digital eXchange Format, while DWG is the native file format for AutoCAD. In simple terms, DXF/DWG is a simple way of…

  • Vectorworks Tip 297- Importing an Image File

    Beginner – An easy way to import an image file is drag it and drop it onto Vectorworks from a Finder Window (or File Explorer window). Choose the required compression and click on the OK button.

  • Vectorworks Tip 286 Importing a PDF

    Beginner – An easy way to import a PDF file is drag it and drop it onto Vectorworks from a Finder Window (or File Explorer window). Choose the pages that you want to import and click on the OK button.

  • Landmark_SIG_015 Special Interest Group November 2012

    In this session we looked at getting started with the project, based on information that had been measured on-site. In the situation the information was not imported from a survey, it was actually measured by the people in the office when they visited the site. The methods of measuring were…