• cadmovie709 – Framing and Framing Tools Part 4

    Floor Framing, Creating Joists from Polygons. There is a floor framing command that speeds up the creation of floor framing. It will place as many framing members as possible, in the direction you choose.

  • cadmovie708 – Framing and Framing Tools Part 3

    Floor Framing, Creating Joists from Polygons. There is a floor framing command that speeds up the creation of floor framing. It will place as many framing members as possible, in the direction you choose.

  • cadmovie707 – Framing and Framing Tools Part 2

    Custom Profile. The custom profile option lets you custom shape any framing member. This will allow you to turn your framing members into concrete beams, or into custom timber factory-made sections.

  • cadmovie706 – Framing and Framing Tools Part 1

    Framing Member. The main tool for framing is the framing member tool. This tool has been around for some time (since Vectorworks 2008), and it replaces several old tools (rafter, beam and so on). The framing member tool can be used to create floor structure, rafters, beams, and so on.

  • cadmovie716 – Framing and Framing Tools Part 11

    Truss Roof. The only truss roof tool available is the one from vectordepot, but it is not suitable for mono-pitch roofs, you can only use it on roofs that have equal pitches.

  • cadmovie715 – Framing and Framing Tools Part 10

    Roof Framing without Vectorworks Architect. The framing tools only work in Vectorworks architect. If you do not have Vectorworks Architect, you can still create  kind of roof framing.

  • cadmovie714 – Framing and Framing Tools Part 9

    Roof Framing. Roof framing uses the Framing Member tool, but we can get Vectorworks to calculate all the rafters, beams and purlins, by using the Roof Framer command. In order to use this command, you need to have Vectorworks Architect or Designer.

  • cadmovie713 – Framing and Framing Tools Part 8

    Wall Framing. The wall framing does not use framing members to make the wall frames, it uses a program to calculate all the parts. The resulting 3D model of the wall framing is a combination of extrusions and meshes.