podcast 113 – Fixing Mistakes in Polylines, Polygons and so on.
I have used this so often, I forget that clients do not know how to use this trick. I used this the other day and my clients wanted to know what it was for.
I have used this so often, I forget that clients do not know how to use this trick. I used this the other day and my clients wanted to know what it was for.
A friend was talking about his recent demonstration of Vectorworks to engineers, and how creating details was so important. I suggested he show the really quick methods to draw the detail in 2D, then convert it to 3D.
This is a trick you can do with the Protrusion/Cutout tool to speed up your 3D modeling of complex shapes.
You can use the fillet tool to edit one corner of a polygon, but you can also use it to edit all the corners at once.
http://www.vectordepot.com/market/vm-040-elevation-maker-2010.html This movie is an advert for my Elevation Maker for Vectorworks 2010 available at the above web site. This movie shows you how to use it.
I have just had a call from a client about using classes in Vectorworks to control line weight. When users come from AutoCAD, Â they are often used to using Color by Layer. This allows the user to see the line weights of the lines on the drawings by the color…
this movie shows you how to move a door object in a wall.
Visibility Tool. This tool is great for turning classes off.
With out text and dimensions, your drawings are pretty sad. Annotation is a fundamental part of drawing. Â Annotation is more than just putting text and dimensions on the drawing, although I will be covering this to make sure you are doing it correctly, there are note tools, tools to store…
Elevation Benchmark. The Elevation Benchmark tool is really useful for placing a benchmark on your elevations with the correct height on it. Then if you move the benchmark the height can be set to automatically update to the new elevation.