cadmovie700 – Planar Graphics in Vectorworks 2011 Part 17
Hardscapes. You can only use hardscapes if you have Vectorworks Landmark or Designer. The hardscape object is a special object designed to make it easy to complete a paving plan.
Hardscapes. You can only use hardscapes if you have Vectorworks Landmark or Designer. The hardscape object is a special object designed to make it easy to complete a paving plan.
Attributes Palette, Colors, Managing Color Palettes. When you choose a color on the Attributes Palette, there is a button called the Color Palette Manager at the top right-hand corner. This is used to manage the palettes.
It is easy enough to create a drawing with lines, but that does not make the drawing easy to read. Using colors and graphics will help others to read your drawings. In many cases, making your drawings easier to read will help your clients to understand the drawings, it will…
Creating a worksheet that will provide a budget price of all the Hardscape areas.
When you have all the hardscape areas, it would be nice to fill in the grassed areas. You could use the hardscape tool and click on every corner of the site, house and paving, but there is a much quicker way. If you draw a polygon, we can convert it…
Creating areas of hardscape.
When you have a shape that is awkward to draw with the Hardscape tool, use the Objects From Polyline… command.
Where the hardscape is not square on the screen, use the Rotate Plan tool to rotate the view. This will make it easier to draw hardscape.
Creating Tiles
Tiles, Applying Tiles. Tiles are a great way of making a more detailed and graphic hatch. Unlike hatches, tiles can be drawn from any planar graphic, meaning that instead of just lines, you can use rectangles, circles, ovals, and so on.