Vectorworks Tip – 282 Edit Curtain Wall – Combine Frames
Intermediate – This mode is used to join two frames together. You might find that vertticla frames break hoizontal frames, but you can use this tool to combine the frames that are split.
Intermediate – This mode is used to join two frames together. You might find that vertticla frames break hoizontal frames, but you can use this tool to combine the frames that are split.
Intermediate Tip – This mode allows you to add extra frame to the curtain wall. The new frames do not have to follow any of the other rules for the frame settings. In this image you can see that I didn’t even make the frame vertical.
The Edit Curtain Wall tool can be used to remove frames, allowing you to create the frame layout you desire.
Intermediate Tip – By choosing the first mode with this tool, you can edit individual frames of the curtain wall. You can lengthen, shorten or delete parts of the frame system.
Intermediate Tip – Once you have created the wall as a curtain wall, you can edit the individual panels and frames with the Edit Curtain Wall tool.
Intermediate Tip – There are two main parts to the curtain wall – the frames and the panels. The frames have options to control the boundary and intermediate frames. There are several options, so work your way though the options carefully.
Intermediate Tip – Creating a curtain wall style is similar to creating a regular wall style – both use the Wall Preferences dialog box. The difference in creating a curtain wall style is that you click on the curtain wall option which will show you different settings for the definition…
Beginner Tip – Vectorworks 2015 introduced a new type of wall – the curtainwall. For many years users have been asking for a wall type that would be able to create curtain walls for commercial buildings. Now we have it. There isn’t a special tool to create curtain walls, it…
I believe it is very important to learn to draw walls regardless of your profession. I believe that walls are useful for architects, landscapers, set designers, and engineers. If you’re doing architectural work, then it should be absolutely clear why you need to use walls to draw your projects, but…