• Vectorworks Tip 399 – Editing Slabs That Have Used Clip Surface

    When you edit a slab that has been modified, you have the option to edit the modifers. This means that you can change the modifiers to suit the change in the design. But be careful, you can only edit the modifier that is already there and you are not able…

  • Detailing Basics 3 – Gravity

    One of the big problems with keeping water out is gravity. Water tends to fall down the building or is pulled down the building by gravity. While this is a big problem it’s also one of the easiest to solve all you need to do is to deflect the water…

  • SST_1603 – Alterations and Additions

    DRAFT- In this manual are going to cover setting up an Alteration and Addition project. I sometimes call these renovation projects, but as someone recently pointed out, renovation suggests repairing. This manual is really about setting up an existing building which we can then amend to suit. We will start…

  • Interactive Workshops March2016 (1603) – Alterations and Additions

    In these sessions we are going to cover setting up an Alteration and Addition project. I sometimes call these rennovation projects, but as someone recently pointed out, rennovation suggests repairing. These sessions are really about setting up an existing building which we can then amend to suit. We will start with a discussion…

  • Detailing Basics 2 – Water Ingress Problems

    When you draw details to communicate to others how the project is built, you need to show how the materials join together how their fixed and how you intend to keep the water out. It might not seem a big issue, but keeping out water is one of the fundamental…

  • Vectorworks Tip 395 – Wall Styles for Additions and Alterations

    If you use Wall Styles for drawing the existing building you might end up with several wall styles for all the different wall thicknesses. Then, when you want to demolish any of those walls – you have to create copies of these wall styles. It’s better to use unstyled walls…

  • Vectorworks Tip 393 – Slabs and 3D Objects

    As well as adding planar objects to your slabs or subtracting planar objects from your slabs, you can also add or subtract 3D objects. In the image above you’ll see that I subtract a tapered extrude from my slab to create a set down and then I add an extrude…

  • Drawing and Detailing – 1

    We need to draw details to communicate to others how the project is built, how the materials join, how they are fixed together, and how we keep the water out. Water may not seem much of a problem, but if you have lived in a country where they have had…

  • Vectorworks Tip 392 – Copy Linked Viewports

    After you have created your linked viewports with the detail callout and with the detail reference, you can then copy and paste these objects onto other sections or elevations, and the links to the viewport will remain. This allows you to link several detail references or detail callouts to the same…

  • Vectorworks Tip 391 – Measuring Existing Buildings

    Measuring existing buildings there are several ways that you can use to measure an existing building. You can use an old-fashioned tape measure, laser measuring device, laser devices that are connected to your iPad, plus a range of apps that you can use on your tablet or phone. Since there…