cadmovie1015 – Basic Editing Tools – Part 25
Clip Surface – This is just as useful as the Add Surface comamnd. Like that command, use this to quickly edit objects.
Clip Surface – This is just as useful as the Add Surface comamnd. Like that command, use this to quickly edit objects.
Add Surface – This a command I use all the time. It is easy to create complex shapes by adding simple shapes together. This command works with planar objects, roofs, hardscapes, and lot of other objects.
Join Command – This tool has generally been replaced the Connect/Combine too, but some users still like to use this command because of the keyboard shortcut.
Align/Distribute Command – Although you might only use this command once in a while, it is extremely useful when you need it.
Smoothing Command – This command allows you to take a polygon object with corner vertices (pointy corners) and convert it to a smooth curving polyline. The choices are to use bezier, cubic spline, or arc smoothing. The choice depends on what you want to see.
Compose/Decompose – In this example there are hundreds of lines and arcs. They could be grouped together, but that would not allow you to color the inside of the object. Composing all of these objects into a single polyline will allow you to do structural calculations on the cross-section, color…
Stretch Technique – This technique uses the Reshape tool and shows just how powerful this tool can be. Mastering this technique will save you a lot of time and trouble when it comes to editing and stretching objects.
Duplicate Array – This is a more advanced way to duplicate objects. It is more powerful than the previous exercise in that it allows you to create rectangular, linear, or circular arrays of objects.
Duplicate – There are often times where you need to duplicate objects, this exercise will show you two useful ways to do that.
Move Command –Â This is a fundamental command and concept, it is used to move selected object by a specific amount. While it is an old command, it is still very useful, and I still use it regularly. This exercise shows two different ways to move objects.