cadmovie219 – Creating an Animation Part 5
We have all the information we need to make a movie. We will make a short movie using our two views. Before we make the movie we need to set out start view and rendering mode.
We have all the information we need to make a movie. We will make a short movie using our two views. Before we make the movie we need to set out start view and rendering mode.
Setting up the views for a more complex animation, called Move Along a Part. Move along a path allows you to set up a movie that walks (or flys) through your design. It works by using a series of views. Each view is like a keypoint in your movie. Vectorworks…
The completed movie from the orbit point animation.
Creating an Orbit animation.
The easiest animation to make is called and Orbit movie. This movie flys around the model. It is effective for showing the outside of a building or an object. You would not use this animation to walk through a building.