cadmovie597 – Creating a Swimming Pool Part 10
Grouping all the information will make it easy to copy and paste the pool onto the site model. The Site Modifiers will still work, even in the group.
Grouping all the information will make it easy to copy and paste the pool onto the site model. The Site Modifiers will still work, even in the group.
Creating the Site Modifiers. We now have the model of the pool we can copy and paste this pool onto a site model, and use the pool to modify the site. We can’t use the pool directly to modify the site, but we can use the pool to make the site…
Creating the Steps. When you first look at the steps, it looks impossible to get the steps to start where you want, and finish them on the bottom of the pool, following the curve. Vectorworks has a some very effective techniques to make this happen.
Cutting Out the Pool. What we have so far is pretty good, but it is still a solid form. We need to cut out the inside of the pool to make a hollow shape. Vectorworks has a tool that will do this for us, called the Shell Solid tool.
Rounding the Bottom of the Pool. In reality, the bottom of the pool is usually rounded to the sides. We can round the bottom of the pool easily by using the Fillet Edge tool.
Building the Pool Edge. It might seem back to front, but now is a good time to create the pool edge. There are a few tools in Vectorworks that makes it easy to create the pool edge, and they are easier to use now, than later.
Radius The Pool Corners. We can edit the edges of the pool, so that at the top of the pool the corners are square and easy to tile around, but curved at the bottom to make it easy create on site and clean later on.
Cut the Pool to a Slope. Now we our basic shape we can slice and dice the 3D model to get the pool shape we really want. The first part should be cutting the pool to add the slope.
Extruding the Base Shape. When you have the basic shape of the pool, you can start to create the 3D model of the pool. A Vectorworks extrusion is the easiest place to start.
Getting Started With the Plan. We can start with the concept, which would be a lot easier if it had dimensions. It might seem that I always start with a rectangle, but I find it easy to start projects with a simple shape and then edit it to suit. Commands like…