• VectorWorks 2009 Announced

    You might all know this already, but the latest version of VectorWorks has been announced: http://www.nemetschek.net/ I am now in the process of upgrading my manuals to the new version. i always take this opportunity to look at the manuals, see if I can make them easier to use and…

  • podcast 056 – Vectorworks 2009 – Preselection

    One of the interface changes with VectorWorks 2009 is pre-selection. This means that object highlight as you move your cursor over them. it is a big improvement and it will help new users to learn Vectorworks. the old uses will quickly get used to this.

  • podcast 061 – VectorWorks 2009 – Drag Worksheet Columns

    in Vectorworks 2009 you can drag worksheet columns to re-order them. It used to be easier to re-create the worksheet rather than try to re-order the columns. with Vectorworks 2009 you can drag the worksheet columns to get the order you want.

  • podcast 037 Viewport Editing Tricks

    Viewport Editing Tricks. this podcast will show you some tricks to speed up editing viewports.

  • SST_0805 Windoor

    Windoor is a 3rd party plug-in for VectorWorks. This means that you might have to go to the internet and buy this from the producer.

  • Is VectorWorks powerful enough

    I was chatting to an old friend the other day and he suggested that there are many people that can use VectorWorks in a way that looks competent, but really they don’t understand the power of VectorWorks.  That got me thinking, do people really understand the power of VectorWorks? For…

  • WinDoor Numbers windows in Vectorworks

    I have just finished my cadsupportonline user group manual on windoor. This 3rd party plug-in for VectorWorks is well worth the money you have to pay for it. One thing that I really like about windoor is the ability to number the windows and doors. The window numbers are not…