Introduction to BIM- Drawing Walls – Part 11
Creating The Floor – Floors are used for horizontal slabs.
Creating The Floor – Floors are used for horizontal slabs.
Drawing Proposed Walls – After you have created a wall style, you can draw the walls quickly.
Drawing Demolished Walls – After you have created a wall style, you can draw the walls quickly.
Drawing Foundation Walls – When you have the wall style you can draw the foundation walls.
Creating Foundation Wall Style – Wall styles make it fast to draw walls with various heights, widths and components. You need wall styles for walls and foundations.
Interactive dimensioning – you can use associative dimensions to move walls.
Dimension Exterior Walls – Vectorworks has the utility to dimension all the exterior walls. If you choose your settings correctly this can be really useful at an early stage of the design process.
Drawing Existing Walls – After you have created a wall style, you can draw the walls quickly.
Creating Existing Wall Style – When you are drawing a renovation project you need to draw the existing walls and the demolished walls. Use A wall style for each type of wall.
Layer and Class Standard – A layer and class standard is the most effective way to add new layers and classes to a file.