• cadmovie1505_04 – Roofs – Part 4

    Offset Gable – This is where you change the gable so that it covers the whole end of the project.

  • cadmovie1505_03 – Roofs – Part 3

    Split Gable Roof – As we have seen, once a roof is created you can edit parameters of the roof, roof plane by roof plane if you want, or the entire roof. We are going to create a split gable roof using the standard roof command, and some simple editing.

  • cadmovie1505_02 – Roofs – Part 2

    Editing a Roof – Once the roof is created you can go to the roof layer and you can edit parameters of the roof, plane by plane if you want, or the entire roof.

  • cadmovie1503_09 – BIM for Landscape – Part 9

    IFC – When you create BIM projects, one of the major parts of the project is the ability to share information with other people who will not be using the same program. IFC was intended as a way of sharing information (not just lines as in DXF/DWG) between computer programs, allowing Vectorworks…

  • cadmovie1503_08 – BIM for Landscape – Part 8

    Reporting – This is an extremely useful part of the Building Information Modeling. When your objects are created using the techniques we have described, they can be reported in a worksheet. The information in your report depends on the information you have attached to your objects.

  • cadmovie1503_06 – BIM for Landscape – Part 6

    Hardscape Areas – A hardscape object is a polygon-based object that is designed to represent hard landscaping. This object represents a flat area on the site and it can be used to create a three-dimensional object that has thickness, the graphic representation, border areas, and it can also be used as…

  • cadmovie1503_05 – BIM for Landscape – Part 5

    Landscape Areas – The Landscape Area tool will create a polygon shaped area that can represent an area of landscape. This area can include plants (with specific settings for spacing and species) or it can be used just to represent an area (lawn, planted areas, water, tracks, etc.). When you create…

  • cadmovie1503_04 – BIM for Landscape – Part 4

    Planting – A plant in Vectorworks is a special object that has a plan representation, a model (or 3D) representation, and plant data. All these parts are bound together inside the object called a plant. When you place a plant, Vectorworks places all of these parts together in the drawing. This…