• cadmovie1506_05 – Site Modeling – Part 5

    Importing Survey Data – You can import data from a surveyor. The data needs to be provided in the correct format. The data can include the point number, and it has to include the X-direction (Easting), the Y-direction (Northing), and the Elevation. The file has to be a text document,…

  • cadmovie1506_04 – Site Modeling – Part 4

    Creating 3D Information using Polygons – If you have an image file that has been imported, you cannot directly use the image file, but there is a command that will turn polygons into 3D data that we can use. This exercise will show you how to use that command. If…

  • cadmovie1506_03 – Site Modeling – Part 3

    Importing A PDF  – Importing the PDF file is similar to importing an image file, but it can have some advantages. Depending on the way that the PDF was created, you may be able to snap to points and lines in the PDF file. This makes it easier to trace over…

  • cadmovie1506_02 – Site Modeling – Part 2

    Importing An Image – There are times where you can find an image of the  contours for your site. You can import this image and you it to trace over.

  • cadmovie1506_01 – Site Modeling – Part 1

    Import A Survey Drawing With 2D Information – Import your sure drawing into a new file. Never import a DXF or DWG file into an existing drawing.

  • cadmovie1505_09 – Roofs – Part 9

    Inserting a Skylight – Putting in a skylight is similar to putting in a dormer window.  To place a skylight you need to create a skylight symbol.  The way that you create the skylight is crucial to the way it inserts into the roof. When you create a symbol for…

  • cadmovie1505_08 – Roofs – Part 8

    Inserting a Dormer Window – To insert a dormer window you need to create the roof first and you need a window or door symbol to insert. You cannot use a plug-in object like a simple window to create a dormer.  You can however use the simple window plug-in to…

  • cadmovie1505_07 – Roofs – Part 7

    Dealing With a Challenging Roof – The standard Vectorworks roof is not able to create every roof construction that you would like. But it is a good idea to keep the roof object going as long as possible. One of the techniques that I use is to break the roof…

  • cadmovie1505_06 – Roofs – Part 6

    Reshaping a Roof – When your roof creation starts out with the walls, you can often end up with a roof plan outline that you did not want. Sometimes you do not want the roof to exactly follow the walls. In this case use the Reshape tool to change the…

  • cadmovie1505_05 – Roofs – Part 5

    Cutout in a Standard Roof – If you don’t want to go to the trouble of creating a 3D symbol for the skylight, you can punch a simple hole in the roof face.  Vectorworks calls these holes ‘cutouts’.