• Vectorworks Tip 417 – Setting Up a Project for Sharing

    Setting up a project for project sharing is reasonably straightforward, but make sure you store the project in a suitable location so that everyone ca access it. DO NOT store this project in a online syncronised folder (like Box, Dropbox, etc). Set up the Admin privelges and start working.

  • Vectorworks Tip 416 – DXF/DWG Dimensions

    If you get the units wrong when you’re importing a DXF/DWG file, you will end up with information that is the incorrect size. This can be fixed, but it is better to get the units correct. One of the techniques I use is to check the scale settings to see…

  • Vectorworks Tip 415 – Cool tricks with symbols-1

    The first trick with symbols is that you can control their insertion point. If you would rather use groups you will find that you cannot control the insertion point of the group. For example if I create a symbol for furniture, I can choose where the insertion point of that…

  • Detailing Basics – Pressure Differential

          Detailing Basics – Pressure Differential. Pressure Differential is the difference in pressure between the inside and outside. If the pressure difference is great, water can be drawn up vertical faces, through gaps, and into the building. The solution is to have air seals at all joints.

  • Vectorworks Tip 414 – Creating a Straight Stair With the Custom Stair Tool

    The custom stair tool is not part of the default workspace, you have to edit yourself from the legacy category. The custom stair tool is very flexible and is designed to be used like a kit of parts. In this tip will just look at a simple straight stair, but…

  • Vectorworks Tip 413 – What Is Project Sharing?

    Project sharing is the ability to have several people working on a project where all theinformation is saved in a single project file. In the past you could use Reference Files, but these only shared information in one direction. Project sharing allows several people to share the information in both…

  • Vectorworks Tip 412 – DXF/DWG Units

    If you get the units wrong when you’re importing a DXF/DWG file, you will end up with information that is the incorrect size. This can be fixed, but it is better to get the units correct. One of the techniques I use is to check the scale settings to see…

  • Vectorworks Tip 411 – Why Use Symbols Instead of Groups?

    Symbols give you incredible abilities to attach information edit the information and control repeatable objects. In this example I’ve created a file with 100 tables. In the first file the tables are using the table and chair object. This file size is 10 MB. In the second example I’ve created…

  • Detaling Basics – Kinetic Energy

    Kinetic energy is where the water is moving. Generally, this is where the water is being blown by strong winds. I have used the roof example, which is common where I live. The wind often blows water up the roof slope, and under flashings. The flashings will stop a lot…

  • Vectorworks Tip 410 – Curved Stair

    This is like the simple stair but for curved stairs. This means that it is useful for simpl curved stairs, but it is not useful if you want detailed stair. Like the Simple Stiar, this is great at concept stage.