• Vectorworks Tip 311 – Getting Started Part 3

    Attend the online workshops for the manuals each month. These sessions assume you don’t know much about the topic, so we work though the topic carefully. The sessions are interactive which means that you can stop me and ask questions. If I go to fast, if I use terminology that you…

  • Vectorworks Tip 310 – Setting the Maximum/Minimum Values on a Site Model

    The settings for the Maximum and Minimum elevations allow you to choose how much of the site model you see. Think of these settings as a filter, choosing how much of the site model you want to see. For example, you might have a site model that goes from sea…

  • Vectorworks Tip 309 – Classes on Wall Components

    Each wall component can have its own class, which you can use to control the graphic style, and when you turn them off, you can use the overall class of the walls to control the graphic style. This could be used for concept drawings, using a wall style for the…

  • Vectorworks Tip 308 – Sketch Rendering

    When you’re creating concept drawings, you can use the concept called sketch rendering. You not trying to trick your clients into thinking you drew the project by hand, you are trying to help them understand where the project is in the design process. Using sketch lines will take the focus…

  • Vectorworks Tip 307 – Getting Started Part 2

    Following on from tip 303, the next step to getting started with Vectorworks ( if you are using Vectorworks Architect) is to work your way through the Vectorworks Architect Tutorial Manual. This manual has designed to show you the workflow when using Vectorworks Architect. In this manual you start with a blank…

  • Vectorworks Tip 306 – Maximum/Minimum Values Dialog

    I had a client ask about this dialog box the other day. They thought that it was a bit confusing and wondered if it would affect the site model. The answer is that it only affects the visual presentation of the site model and does not affect the mathmatics behind…

  • Vectorworks Tip 305 – Drag and Drop Hatches

    You can apply a hatch to an object by dragging and dropping the hatch from the Resource Browser onto the object. In fact you can apply most resources from the results browser by dragging and dropping.

  • Vectorworks Tip 304 – Drawing a Line to a Bearing

    Normally Vectorworks measures the angle of an object from the horizontal. But there are times where you need to draw a line using survey angles. You can set a line to a bearing by using N and E with the bearing angle. Vectorworks will convert the bearing to the correct…

  • Vectorworks Tip 303 – Getting Started Part 1

    If you’re transitioning from another CAD program to Vectorworks you want to know how to get started quickly, Tip 300 tells you to work through my Essentials Tutorial Manual. This really is the best way to get started. But where do you start and how do youuse this manual? Some…

  • Vectorworks Tip 301 – Cropping an Image File

    Beginner – When you import an image file, you sometimes find that it has too much information. The solution is to crop out the areas that are not required. This uses the same technique as cropping a PDF.