• Vectorworks Tip 329 – Adjusting the size of the Clip Cube

    It is unlikely the Clip Cube will be the size that you require, but you’re allowed to change the size and the easiest way to do this is to use your selection tool. When you click on the edge of the clip cube, then move your cursor around the cube, you will…

  • Vectorworks Tip 328 – Section Viewport

    Section viewports allow you to cut a section through an object, or several objects. After activating the Create Section Viewport… Command from the view menu, click once to start your section viewport, then click once more for the other end of the section viewport. Click once to define the direction…

  • Vectorworks Tip 327 – Project Sharing

    Project sharing allows you to set up a project so that several people can work on it at once. It allows users to check out specific layers (like checking out a book from a library), which prevents other people from working in those layers. Other users can see the changes…

  • Vectorworks Tip 326 – Snap to Contour

    This is a great addition to the Site Modifier tool. When you choose this mode, Vectorworks reads the elevation of the countour that you are snapping to and sets the elevation of the site modifier to this elevation. This saves so much time when placing site modifiers. No more guessing…

  • Vectorworks Tip 325 – Clip Cube

    I like using the Clip Cube; It is like a 3D viewport crop that is flexible and allows you crop out the parts of your design that you want to hide. The technique is to select an object, then activate the clip cube. If you do it this way, the…

  • Vectorworks Tip 324 – Name Your Viewports

    I know that it seems like a lot of work to name all your viewports, but when you want to use the new linked viewports feature or you want to edit the classes on viewports (using visibilities on the organization dialog box), you need to have a way to know…

  • Vectorworks Tip 323 – Marionette Part 4

    It’s all about the Maths. When you are creating your Marionette networks, you have to remember that it is all about the maths. I’m not that good at maths, but if you want to create objects and move them, or create objects that follow a formula, you will have to practice…

  • Vectorworks Tip 322 – Changes to the Site Modifier Tool

    Vectorworks 2016 has a change to the Site Modifiers tool. The change is that all the Site Modifier options are now on the Tool bar, shown as modes. Now when you want to place a grade limits, you can choose that mode, if you want you place a Pad, you…

  • Vectorworks Design Summit 2016

    Vectorworks Inc. have announced the Design Summit for 2016 will be in Chicago, 25-29 April 2016. This year the Design Summit was held at the end of April and it was a huge success. I think there were over 350 people there (more than they expected). As the first Design…