• Vectorworks Tip #055 – Preferences – Use Sound

    This is a Vectorworks Preference, which means it applies to all files. You will find this preference on the Session tab in the Vectorworks Preferences. If you activate Use Sound, every time you move near a clickable point you will hear a click from your computer. Some people find this…

  • Vectorworks Tip #049 – Document Preferences – Auto Classing

    When you insert many of the standard Vectorworks objects, they automatically assign themselves to particular classes. If you don’t want this to happen you have to turn off Auto Classing. If you turn on Auto Classing, all of your standard Vectorworks objects will be assigned to their standard classes.

  • Vectorworks Tip #047 – Preferences – Use Sound

    This is a Vectorworks Preference, which means it applies to all files. You will find this preference on the Session tab in the Vectorworks Preferences. If you activate Use Sound, every time you move near a clickable point you will hear a click from your computer. Some people find this…

  • Vectorworks Tip #046 – Basic Tools – Automatic Drawing Coordination

    This is a Document Preference. It controls the linking of the Sheet Borders to the sheet number and name. If you activate this preference, standard sheet borders will automatically update when you edit the sheet numbers and names.

  • Vectorworks Tip #042 – Preferences – Save Viewport Cache

    This is a Document Preference that tells Vectorworks to save the rendered viewports. The advantage of this is that you do not have to update the viewports each time you open the drawing, which could save you a lot of time. The disadvantage is that saving the rendered viewports can…

  • Vectorworks Tip #041 – Preferences – Create Dimensions in Dimension Class

    This is a Document Preference that tells Vectorworks to place all dimensions into the Dimensions class. This is OK as long as you don’t want to have dimensions for different drawings on the design layer. In that case, turn this off and have different classes for various viewports.

  • Vectorworks Tip #040 – Preferences – Associate Dimensions

    This is a Document Preference. It is so important. It makes the dimensions associate with the objects so that when the object moves or changes size, the dimensions update automatically. This can save you from making dimensioning errors. It has saved me so many times. If you do not activate…

  • Vectorworks Tip #032 – Preferences – Adjust Flipped Text

    When you mirror objects with text in them, or when you rotate objects with text, you might find that the text is upside-down. There is a Document Preference that will fix this. Activate Adjust Flipped Text and Vectorworks will automatically adjust any text that is rotated more than 90º.

  • Vectorworks Tip #028 – Snap Loupe

    The Z key is used to temporarily zoom into a part of the drawing. This is the quickest way I can think of to draw in Vectorworks.  Of course you could zoom in and out again if you used the scroll wheel on the mouse, but it’s not as easy…

  • Vectorworks Tip #027 – Delete Key to Remove Last Click

    When you are drawing multiple click objects like walls, polygons, etc. it is easy to make a mistake. To fix the last click, use the Delete key on the keyboard, it will remove the last click. Keep deleting to back to the start of your object. This works on almost…