Vectorworks Tip 438 – Things Energos Needs (that you may not have thought of)

There are two things that you may not think that Energos requires. The first is that Energos needs to have a Heliodon in the same design layer as the walls. It uses this Heliodon it on to find the location of the site. It needs have the location of the site because the climate data changes from location to location. The other thing that you may not have thought of is that Energos requires spaces. It requires the spaces so that it knows which rooms or parts of the building are habited, and it also needs these spaces to calculate the volume.


  1. Nice observations; I didn’t know that. So we also need to give spaces a height, too? Looking forward to your webinar on the subject.

  2. Thanks for all the tips!
    A couple of questions –
    – Is Energos equipped to handle varying ceiling heights – or is the best strategy to find an average height
    – Does the space/volume include the exterior walls or Is it to the interior finish?
    Thanks again!

    1. Use an average height. Energos is not using the space object to calculate the wall area and height of insulation, it uses the walls for that. It should be the interior volume, so it should not include the exterior walls.

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